The requirement to ensure that children and young people are able to use the internet and related communications technologies appropriately and safely is addressed as part of the wider duty of care to which all who work in schools are bound. A school E-Safety policy should help to ensure safe and appropriate use. The school must demonstrate that it has provided the necessary safeguards to help ensure that they have done everything that could reasonably be expected of them to manage and reduce these risks.
DGfL have provided an E-Safety Policy template. Schools and settings may wish to use this template to develop their E-Safety Policy. It is important that the template is adapted to reflect the nature and values of the school or setting. eg. Some settings permit students to use mobile phones when on site. This needs to be stated in the policy.
Review of the E-Safety Policy
This E-Safety policy has been developed by the Headteacher and ratified by the Governing Body of Ashwood Park Primary School
The school will monitor the impact of the policy using:
• Logs of reported incidents
• DGfL or internal monitoring logs of internet activity (including sites visited)
• Internal monitoring of data for network activity
• Surveys/questionnaires of stakeholders
E-Safety - Online Safety Policy
Online Safety Guide for Parents and Carers
Parentzone - Online Safety Guides for Parents
Digital Parenting from Vodafone
Ashwood Park Primary School,
Bells Lane,
West Midlands, DY8 5DJ
Tel: 01384 818545
Email: info@ashwood.dudley.sch.uk