Resource Base for the Deaf


What is the overall aim of our provision?

The Ashwood Park Resource Base for the Deaf (RBD) is the primary enhanced provision for D/deaf children in Dudley. Our main aims are for pupils to be proud of their identity, to be confident communicators of their needs and wants and therefore be able to achieve the best that they can within a mainstream setting. We strive to ensure that the children are fully included into everyday life at Ashwood Park School. We recognise that to achieve our aims the children benefit from enhanced classroom communication support and individual sessions with QToD, Specialist Teaching Assistants and Deaf Teaching Assistants


This provision forms part of the Local Offer for D/deaf or Hard of Hearing pupils.

What do we offer?

Enhanced provision for children with a severe or profound hearing loss. We offer a Child Led Communication approach meaning the communication needs of each child can be met. For those who are oral: Qualified Teachers of the Deaf (QToD) work closely with multiple agencies including Speech and Language Therapists, audiology centres and parents to ensure the best listening experience with the latest technologies. Pupils are provided with Roger radio aids or mini-mics and soundfield systems to allow them greater access to spoken language.  For those who use British Sign Language or require signed support we have QToDs and specialist TAs who sign to at least a Level 2 standard. Our Deaf TAs support the children’s understanding of their identity and rights, of Deaf culture and BSL Language development. We have developed three pathways that children can take through the RBD that will allow them to thrive during their time at Ashwood Park. Some children are supported to access mainstream lessons, others are withdrawn to follow a modified curriculum to meet need.  QToDs carry out specialist Language and Functional Hearing Assessments, the results of which are used to set targets and assess progress.

How many children and staff?

We currently have space for 20 children.


They are looked after by a number of staff including:

  • Qualified Teachers of the Deaf
  • Specialist Teaching Assistants
  • Deaf Teaching Assistants
  • Educational Audiologist


The Team Leader for the Hearing Impairment Service has overall responsibility for the RBD.

What does our curriculum offer look like?

  • Mainstream EYFS or National Curriculum expectations within class.
  • Pre or post tutoring to support understanding and access in the mainstream class.
  • Enhanced withdrawal sessions to support children who require a more visual approach with core subjects and skills such as reading and writing.
  • An individualised curriculum for those who are working below age expectations, carefully planned to meet the holistic needs of the child.
  • Specialist Language intervention sessions such as Language Steps or programmes specified by Speech and Language Therapy to aim to close the gap to meet age expectations.
  • British Sign Language Sessions for children to learn and develop their BSL skills and, if BSL is their first language, to aim to develop it to an age expected standard.
  • Personal Understanding of Deafness (PUDs): Deaf Studies, Social Skills and Emotional Literacy sessions.
  • Audiology Boost as part of our PUDs curriculum – promoting children to understand their equipment and to be independent users of equipment.
  • Working alongside multiagency teams to plan and deliver support and interventions to meet the holistic needs of children e.g. OT, physiotherapy.

How can apply for a place for my child?


Your child must have an EHCP

Your child must have a severe or profound hearing loss.

As part of the SEND process you can request the RBD.

The RBD Management Board operate the admissions process in line with the recommendations from the SEND Panel.